
The Body Positive 5km Stomp

- supported by Escaping Your Comfort Zone


EARLY BIRD UNICORN discount applies BEFORE midnight 31st July

REGULAR RAINBOW prices 1 August - 31st October

LATE TO GLOW prices from 1 November

Check the ENTER page for prices.

If you are a plus size person of any gender, OR would like to have a go at a trail event without fear of judgement, OR scared of coming last, OR feel intimidated by all the super fit, speedy runners, OR are afraid that the finish line will be all packed up before you finish... Then this event is for YOU!

  • This one’s all about the glow - so get into the fluro vibe, pull out your best and brightest outfit - be that bad taste 80s, big hair band, or unicorn onesie. So long as it’s bright and fun!

  • Trail angels creating the party at the back, which means that no one comes last

  • Walk, skip, shuffle, jog, prance, strut or stomp, its up to you!

  • No cut off times

  • 5km of beautiful, flat, beachside trails (and beach) in the stunning Surf Coast village of Torquay

  • No timing, this is a true fun event with no focus on times

  • Post event celebration at Salty Dog Cafe event HQ! Including a DJ playing your fave eighties tunes

  • And yes, there's Medals! Everyone gets a medal!

  • Get your Body Positive Stomp cap, too! Available to pre-order at rego check out. Pick up when you get your bib on the day.

 The Body Positive Stomp will be put on in partnership with Escaping Your Comfort Zone, a body positive adventure organisation, with no focus on weightloss or fitness, who encourage women and non-binary people to have adventures in the body they are in.

Open to everyone (not just women), the Stomp will be supported by volunteer trail angels, creating a party at the back so no one comes last, and will specifically be non-timed/non-competitive. But all participants willing to get out and have a go on the 5km route, leaving and returning to the Salty Dog Cafe event HQ, will still be rewarded with a medal and wear a participant bib.

WHEN: 8.15pm Saturday 18th November (departing AFTER the first 5km ‘race’ wave)
WHERE: Salty Dog Cafe, The Esplanade, Fishermans Beach, Torquay, Surf Coast Victoria.